Today my room mates Rachel and Alexa and I went down to the river, since today has been the nicest day in like, forever. I LOVE water. I live like 7 miles away from the Lake and we go there all the time during the summer. Gosh, I LOVE the summer time. I love how it's always so beautiful out and there's something about it that just makes you want to go out and take chances and go for everything. There's something so, full of life and just fearless about summer. Anyways, I love going to the lake, it's filled with so many of the best memories.
So we went down to the river in our skirts (well, me and Rachel) and hiked them up like little kids. It was really fun and just relaxing I guess. Nature is so beautiful and through out the week there are so many things to do I feel like we never get time to enjoy it. Anyways, highlights include---but are not limited to---screaming like little girls because the water was freezing and the current was sweeping us away...almost lol and there were people there to awkwardly witness it. We went to the part where the rapids were really big and strong and cool looking and Alexa half fell on me and I almost fell into a cascading river of death and my sunglasses fell off and I tried to reach them by awkwardly climbing around this tree, ... but I failed and Rachel had to go on the shore and get them. There were also more people to awkwardly witness such. Then we went to the part of the shore that used to be, well, shore but is now part of the river bed and tried to walk on it... it was sining mud... Alexa and Rachel got stuck lol. So I climbed up this big wall thingish thing and tried to get to them another way, but by the time I got up there, they had rescued themselves.

Look at these hot Momma feet !!!!

^ Lexi almost knee deep in sinking mud! O.o
Other highlights included finding these beautiful baby 'river shells' in the shallow water. ( You can see these at the top of the post). And just being with most of my roomies :D they're wonderful and beautiful girls and I have no idea what I would do without them.
P.S. Rachel and I have decided to go on a double date (with boys, not each other lolz) and buy some of those dollar pink and green blow up intertubes and go play in the rapids and have a picnic! I'll keep you updated, it's gonna be sooo fly, like a G-6!